“Snapping the Stiletto” is a two year project by Essex County Council, exploring how Essex women’s lives have changed since 1918. The project has received a £95,445 grant from Esmée Fairbairn Collection to work with 11 local museums to explore their collections and discover hidden inspirational stories. The project aims to replace the outdated stereotype of ‘Essex Girls’ by highlighting stories of Strong Essex Women. The key themes that emerged through our community consultation are Campaigning Women, Working Women and Migrant Women.
They are looking for a “Poet-in-Residence” to create 4 poems inspired by objects in the museums’ collections and to lead creative writing workshops for young people and community groups.
This is a paid opportunity – application deadline: 22 March
For more information visit snappingthestiletto.com/2018/03/15/poet-in-residence/