We’re proud to work with such wonderful people at Essex Book Festival. As we run our #BackWithABang crowdfunder campaign, here are some messages of support from a few of our festival friends.
Maja Antoine-Onikoyi
Director of Maja’s Education Project
Youth & Diversity Advisor, Essex Book Festival
Maja talks about the importance of diversity in book festivals:

Liz Trenow
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of historical fiction, including Under a Wartime Sky and The Silk Weaver.
Liz is festival favourite and here she speaks about the importance of book festivals to authors.

Syd Moore
Syd Moore is a bestselling novelist, former television presenter and activist. Her novels are mystery thrillers inspired by myths from the English county of Essex.
Here, Syd talks about how disappointed she was when we had to cancel the 2020 festival event due to Covid-19, and about the rewards you can pledge for in our crowdfunder campaign.

Jo Coldwell
From independent bookshop Red Lion Books, avid reader and organiser of Appetite Book Club in Colchester
In this snappy video Jo Coldwell champions Essex Book Festival and talks about the mystery books which Red Lion Books have kindly donated to our crowdfunder campaign.

Lu Williams
Artist, Curator and Director of Grrrl Zine Fair. Creator of our #ManifestoForEssex zine
As part of Essex Book Festival 2020 we commissioned artist Lu Williams to create a Manifesto For Essex Zine using contributions from our young audiences across the county. Here, Lu talks about how their views on climate change were put together into this beautiful, impactful and inspiring zine.

James Canton
Nature and travel writer who leads the MA in Wild Writing at University of Essex.
James’ latest book The Oak Papers is our 2021 Essex Read. Writing the book involved spending time beside one aged oak tree, through the seasons and in all weathers. To be still and to simply observe allows us to get to know aspects of nature or place intimately.
One of the rewards in our #BackWithABang crowdfunder is a Zooming Wonderful Coffee Morning with James Canton when he will talk about all things Trees, a topic he knows much about.
Here, James gives a shout-out in support of Essex Book Festival and our crowdfunder campaign.

Andrea Cooper
Essex Book Festival Bookie (Volunteer)

“Hi. My name is Andrea and I’m an Essex Book Festival volunteer. I have been going to Festival events for the last 20 years and I’ve been volunteering on and off for the last 8 years. I volunteer because I love being involved in the amazing and fascinating events that go on.
It’s a Festival for readers, writers, families and anyone who wants to experience something a bit different. The Festival has taken me to the Secret Nuclear Bunker at Kelvedon Hatch, the Martello Tower in Jaywick and the Harwich Redoubt fort.There are events in all sorts of venues all over the county so there is likely to be something happening not far from you. You may get to meet your heroes, like crime writer Val McDermid or artist Grayson Perry, or you may discover new ones.
Family events at hubs, like the Firstsite Gallery in Colchester or the Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford, are always particularly lively with lots going on – storytelling, drumming sessions and things to make and learn.
And now there is a new and exciting chapter to the story of the Essex Book Festival as it moves from March to the summer months of 2021. The Essex Book Festival will always need support from local people, and this year there is a crowd funding page so please take a look and donate if you can. Thank you”
Andrea Cooper, Essex Book Festival Bookie (Volunteer)