Mark your card for our second Festival Peace Panel chaired by Rachael Jolley, award-winning editor of global magazine Index on Censorship. Located in the Bunker’s Government Rooms, the perfect setting for a panel discussion looking at different stories from history, technology and media about how and why propaganda is used to persuade the public, our panellists will include author Jamie Bartlett (Radicals, The Dark Net, Orwell vs the Terrorists), journalist David Aaronvitch (Party Animals: My Family and Other Communists) and journalist and writer Xinran (Good Women of China, What the Chinese Don’t Eat).
This event is part of The Nuclear Option, an evening of unearthly underground delights. Join us as we take over the Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker, the Government’s Cold War ‘hideaway’. This unique and unusual space was operational from 1952 right through to 1994, and is now a fascinating underground museum open to all.